ASPIRE Partners

ASPIRE will rely on new partnerships in order to be successful. Interdisciplinary community partnership: Our network of collaborators links students with community members of diverse backgrounds who are passionate about their work and will provide students with local, academic, industry, and scientific perspectives in their learning.

Matt sm

Matthew Gilbert
is the lead scientist involved in the program.  He is a senior graduate student at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Zoology.


List of Interdisciplinary Community Partners:

  • Dr. Sonja E.R. Leverkus PhD  (Range Agrologist, and Natural Processes Ecologist)
  • Dr. Travis G Gerwing (Ecosystem Ecologist who utilizes molecular, ecological, and statistical methods to understand forces that structure our environments.)
  • Dr. Ioana Lupu   (Family Doctor / G.P)
  • Dr. Richard Hebda (Royal BC Museum Curator of Botany and Earth, PhD in botany, Specialty: Vegetation and climate history of BC, Areas of expertise include impacts of climate change on ecosystems, restoration of natural systems and processes, and timing and extent of the last ice age.)
  • Dr. Ron Marr (Royal BC Museum Botany Curator Specialty: Vascular plant taxonomy, Areas of expertise include Flora of western North America, especially the alpine flora of northern BC)
  • Dr. Erica Wheeler (Botany Collections Manager, collection includes over 215,000 specimens of pressed, dried plants)
  • Kathy Dickie (Chair of the CEA:  Fort Nelson First Nation Community Education Authority)
  • Rhonda Matheson (Public Health Nurse with BC-Northern Health Authority, and formerly with Fort Nelson First Nation)
  • Angela White (BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operation, Registered Professional Forester, Agrologist, and formerly Lands Person, Encana Corp.)
  • Jacquie Biblow (Sustainability Coordinator, Northern Rockies Regional Municipality)
  • Trevor Scott (Structural Technologist at Herold Engineering Limited)
  • Wilf Hoath (Fort Nelson’s Compost Expert)
  • April McLeod (Bird Expert)
  • Kathy Dickie (Chair of the CEA:  Fort Nelson First Nation Community Education Authority)
  • Angela White (BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operation, Registered Professional Forester, Agrologist, and formerly Lands Person, Encana Corp.)
  • Steve Lindsey (Fort Nelson District Manager Resource Operations,  Registered Professional Forester)
  • Jason Smith (Woodlands Manager, BC Timber Sales, Registered Professional Forester)
  • Kim Bramhill (Environmental Operator at Spectra Energy and Power Engineer, Powerhouse & Effluent Plant Operator)
  • Howard Lever (Northern Rockies Chief Building Inspector and “Drone” Enthusiast)
  • David Johnstone (SD 81 District Tech. Facilitator)
  • Sarah Nay (Math and Science Department Head, Fort Nelson Secondary School, SD81)

List of Parent Partners In the ASPIRE Project

  • Chen Morin In charge of the building and installation of the Bird Feeders for the FN Winter Bird Study.
  • Rachelle Konschuh Purchased fish tank supplies and provided the Mickey Mouse Platy fish for the Disney Fish Study.