Original Observations
- How can marine animals live in such deep water?
- What are the largest marine mammals ever to live?
- Its really interesting that marine animals can communicate… how?
- Why Ocean life can live in deep places and not
- Why the Blue whale is so big
- Why ocean life can live in water and we can’t
- How can some sea slugs eat the poison sac from a jelly-fish without dying?
- How can a octopus change colours?
- How does a coral reef accumulate a shell?
- How can an octopus go down really deep?
- How do sea urchins destroy/eat kelp?
- Will sea creatures be able to adapt to the warmer temperatures?
- How does a clownfish live in a sea anemone? How does a sea turtle eat jellyfish?
- How does a coral reef accumulate a shell?
- How does a sea otter eat a sea urchin?
Research Question:
Why do marine animals have specific adaptations?
- Surviving in deep waters (Noname4)
- Seeing in deep, dark waters
- Overcoming high pressure at depths
- Feeding adaptations
- Special adaptations for feeding (e.g. gulper eel, algae farming fish) (Possibly: Frank)
- How do certain animals eat other dangerous, poisonous (Faustina) or protected (DementorS) animals without dying
- Air breathing marine animals (Frank)
- How do these animals (e.g. penguins hold their breath)