Mosquito Life Cycle

by 4daboyz

Mosquito Life Cycle
Photo Credit: Mosquito Lifecycle. Photo Credit:

This image depicts the 'egg raft' deposited by a female Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito. This female mosquito is known as for being responsible for spreading the West Nile virus to human beings through their bite when obtaining a blood meal
Eggs are laid one at a time and for some species of mosquitoes will float on the surface separately while for other species the eggs stick together and form rafts of 100-300 eggs. Most eggs hatch into larvae within 1-3 days of coming into contact with water.
This image depicts the 'egg raft' deposited by a female Culex

Photo Credit: By: CDC/ Harry Weinburgh, Courtesy: Public Health Image Library
LARVA - "Wigglers"
Mosquitoes stay in the larva for ten days.
Mosquito larvae have a large head and thorax and narrow, wormlike abdomen. They typically hang just below the water surface, breathing air through tubes at the end of the abdomen. When disturbed, they wriggle downward.
Photo Credit By MDC Staff, courtesy Missouri Department of Conservation.
Pupae breathe by coming to the water’s surface, using “trumpets” to bring in air.
Their skin splits along the surface when the adult mosquito is ready to emerge.
Mosquitos do not eat during the pupal stage of their life cycle.
This stage takes 2 days to week.

Photo Credit: Mosquito Life Cycle

After maturing for 3 to 5 days, the adults mate. She will then need to find an animal to get a meal of blood, to make the eggs grow within her.
Both male and female adults look similar at a distance, but the mouthparts of the female are adapted to be able to bite animals, as well as to feed on nectar.

Photo Credit: shutterstock

Here is a video showing the LIFE CYCLE OF A CULEX MOSQUITO <>